Mike Murray
Apr 5, 2024


Amen to the article, but I disagree with this premise. We DO think about it. A lot! Holding onto a grudge serves us, and one way it does so is that it allows us to maintain a victim mindset, which lets us shirk any accountability for what happened.

Interestingly, forgiveness, responsibility, and accountability are on the same level of consciousness (no room here to elaborate on that complex topic!). The order in which they occur varies by circumstance, but they are interconnected.

The key to letting go of a grudge is to examine how that grudge serves me, if that is still true, and what would really serve me better right now. Living in the past and creating elaborate hero-villain stories is a great pastime, but it only perpetuates suffering. It’s exhausting, which is usually when people are ready to do something about it.



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