Dr. Armah, thank you for sharing this article with me. What I am left with is the recognition that it is impossible for me to fully empathize with the mistrust that African Americans have for the medical profession and scientific “experts”. It does not make sense to me, because my experiences are so different. It’s not just the interactions with the medical profession, it’s the entirety of interactions that people of color have throughout their lifetimes in this society. Interactions that convey the message, “You don’t matter”, or worse. People in your position need to keep telling your stories. Much of our society decided that racism was mostly over when Obama was elected, being so proud and righteous that we elected an African American. Trump and his ilk did us one favor by reminding us of the poisonous attitudes that run deep in our society, even when they are not intentionally malevolent. The Covid crisis illustrated how fractured our society is. Understanding different perspectives may help us heal, even if just a little.