Great article. It simplifies things quite elegantly.
But…. What if we are not our consciousness. What if our identity is really a function of how consciousness flows through us? That identity is the summation of our neural and somatic pathways, which are the product of our genetics and experiences. One analogy, which is not necessarily original to me, is that we are like a stereo system. We are the receivers of “consciousness”, and the expression of that consciousness is like the sound coming from the speakers. That sound will differ considerably if it is coming from a concert sound system vs a transistor radio ((Google that, kids😆). The original “signal” is exactly the same, though. I’ve often wondered whether we all are swimming in the same sea of consciousness, but it manifests differently among all living things based on their physical characteristics, including cellular and subcellular composition. All just idle musings, cuz I can’t prove any of it.