I believe it is because it is rare to be able to be fully vulnerable and be who you really are with male friends. We can share our innermost feelings with a lover or trusted partner, but that’s usually not possible, or even advisable, with other men. ( Yes, I am speaking from a heterosexual perspective). The banter among golfing buddies is usually superficial and often quite juvenile. The fathers of my son’s high school friend group just wanted to talk about cars or work. In your husband’s case it was the memories of the old college football days that created a bond that they clung to.
I remember many years ago trying to talk to an old friend about my toddler disabled daughter, and the emotional challenges of adjusting to her reality. He did not want to get into that discussion and kept changing the subject. It infuriated me, and we were never really friends again.
I think we men are so emotionally stunted that it’s no wonder we don’t make friends easily.