I think this is spot on and deserves a deeper look. The use of the term “White Supremacy” may be excessively provocative, because it evokes images of the KKK and their contemporary right wing militia successors.
I know a lot of so-called “white supremacists”, and many of them seem like nice, regular people. They are not racially malicious, but make no mistake, they want to keep the current situation intact because it provides them with enormous advantage. They feel threatened by Black Lives Matter, seeing it as much more than a movement for fair treatment by law enforcement and as a gateway to tipping the racial scales against white people. And the redistribution of wealth proposals by Progressive Democrats absolutely sets their hair on fire (mine too, to be honest, at least what little there is).
Labeling these people as “ white supremacists”, though, will only make them more intransigent. In for a penny, in for a pound. We may already be there. What intelligent politicians can do is make it so that it is not perceived as a zero sum game. That will never happen during an election cycle, but once that is over create legislation that creates opportunities for people ecumenically.