Lots of truth written here, but there also seems to be a Catch-22. We invest in more tech education, and voila, it works. We have more Americans trained to do the work needed to take us to the next level. AI, quantum computing. You name it. Except they can’t find a job, because similarly trained foreigners are getting those jobs. You said it and it’s true. They are willing to work harder for less. Work life balance? How about work your butt off to live, to survive. I’m not judging right or wrong, As long as the bottom line takes precedent, we’ll continue to leak jobs to others, not to mention AI taking jobs. So what’s the solution. How the hell should I know! I grew up in a different time, and my experiences don’t necessarily translate to today. But what a friend of mine told me the other day rings true here. She was told as a teen that to succeed in this world, she shouldn’t work for other people. This was in the 1960s, and the opportunities for women in the workplace were limited. She ended up opening her own practice right after graduating from veterinary school. So maybe the key is to not only teach more STEM subjects, but also teach entrepreneurial and business skills. People who create their own success will be most likely to flourish. It can be scary though. Just ask my son who just quit Microsoft to create his own startup. Actually, just ask his dad!