Yes, there are different, and valid, perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, I don’t recall anyone accusing the Israelis of executing and beheading babies. Or intentionally and randomly executing civilians. The heinousness of these acts by Hamas removes legitimacy from their grievances, just as with ISIS. The Palestinian people do have legitimate grievances, but Hamas has rendered these moot for the time being.
And what about the Iranians, who don’t give a crap about the Palestinian people but are more than happy to sacrifice them as pawns to further their hatred of Israel? Fucking mess.
A postscript to this post: With the killing of thousands of innocent Gazans, and the total deprivation of an entire population by the Israeli quest to destroy Hamas, it is time for the U.S. to stop all military aid to Israel. Immediately. This is not just an eye for an eye. It is a callous disregard for a people, and that is what pro-Palestinian protesters are against. It is time to go to the negotiating table, as difficult as that may be. That’s the only sane, supportable position, IMO. Israelis and Palestinians have a right to pursue their lives in peace. They all need to figure out how to accomplish that mutual objective.